1. The price of Disney's Halloween party for this year at Disney Resort Paris is 29.

The price of a famous American movie called Halloween Resurrection is 11,95.
3. A radio station which broadcast typical creepy and horror songs all day long name is HalloweenRadio,Live365.
Three titles of songs related with Halloween are:
Halloween (Stephen Lynch)
On halloween night (Joe Scruggs)
Trick or treat (Geof Johnson)
4.Some jokes wich has to do with Halloween:
Q: What do you say to a ghost with three heads?
A: Hello, hello, hello.
Q: What has a black hat, flies on a broomstick, and can't see anything?
A: A witch with her eyes closed.
Q: What do you call a wicked witch who lives by the sea?
A: A Sand-witch
Q: What do you get when you cross Dracula with Sleeping Beauty?
A: Tired blood.